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Free trustee discharge of digital trust Metadatadoch A Windows PC. It is a Robrust tool designed for the perfect vision and edition of Metada in a wide range of file formats, including Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) documents, Documents LibreOffice®, PDFS, JPEG, JPEG 2000, AVI, MP4, F4V, WAV, AIF, AIF, AIF, PNG, PNG, SVG, SVG, SVG, SVG, SVG EFF, WV, TAK AND FILE XMP. It allows users to edit metadata fields of crucial documents, such as review numbers and total editing time, which generally remain unpublished through standard programs. In addition, it facilitates the export and import of metadata models for a convenient reuse in multiple files. Your friendly interface ensures that even people without extensive technical experience can navigate and use their resources easily.
works as an independent tool, unlike many metadata editors. Users do not need to install additional programs to see or modify metadata, simplify the process and reduce dependencies. This feature provides a customization level generally not available in conventional documents editing tools. This characteristic improves productivity and guarantees the consistency in metadata management. The predetermined edition allows users to see and edit metadata in one file at a time, while professional edition extends this ability to edit lot metadata. GHZ Recommended)
- RAM : 2 GB (4 GB or more recommended)
- The free space of the hard disk : 200Mb or more is recommended
Conclusion h3>
Metadatch is an austerity and filming and filming. Its independent operation, the edition characteristics of advanced metadata and the support of export/import models make it an indispensable asset for professionals in several fields. Whether it manages metadata to Microsoft Office documents, multimedia files or other formats, offers a comprehensive solution that simplifies the process and increases efficiency. With its two editions that meet different user preferences, this tool guarantees flexibility and convenience in metadata management.
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