KiCad 8.0.8 Free Download Link

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Free Kicad download for Windows PC. It is a unique software product that allows you to dive into the world of electronic circuits. It allows the creation and development of complex conceptions for printed circuits (PCB) while guaranteeing the accuracy of electronic rules (ERC). 

Presentation of KICAD

This is a versatile EDA software that meets various electronic design needs. Whether you are a seasoned engineer or an amateur who seeks to explore the world of PCB design, he offers a friendly interface with powerful features. It provides many integrated components, models and libraries, making it an essential choice for professionals and enthusiasts.

Main software functions

    • Integrated PCB viewer: boasts of an integrated PCB 3D view, allowing to visualize your PCB conceptions in three dimensions. This feature gives an overview that traditional 2D views cannot correspond. With the 3D viewer, you can turn and examine your PCB from different angles, improving your design precision.
    • Project management: The software is an effective project manager, helping you keep your electronic and accessible electronic design projects. This integrated project management capacity rations your workflow, which facilitates the handling of complex projects with several components and diagrams.
    • diagram editor —eschema: eeschema is a powerful Schema editor designed to create and create an editor of the diagram diagram. It provides an intuitive platform for the drawing and connection of components , ensuring that the design of your circuit is accurate and understandable.
    • components edition: The software includes a component editor to modify and customize printed circuits (PCB). This feature is essential to adapt conceptions to your needs and ensure compatibility and functionality.
    • Edition imprint template: It offers a tool to modify the fingerprint models, which allows you to control your PCB conceptions precisely. This capacity is practical when working with components that require personalized footprints.
    • Photo template Gerber Display – Gerbview: The integrated Gerbview tool allows you to visualize the Gerber files, which are essential for the production of PCB. You can inspect these files to make sure your design meets manufacturing requirements.
    • Selection of components – CVPCB: CVPCB is a practical component selection tool that helps you match the components of your circuit diagram with suitable footprints on the PCB. This ensures that your design is accurately translated from the concept to reality.
    • Text editor for newspapers: The software provides a practical text editor to display newspapers with reports. This feature keeps you informed of the state of your project, which facilitates troubleshooting and refine your conceptions.

System requirements

    Operating system: Windows 11/10
    • Processor: Multicore Intel Series Or, Xeon or AMD Equivalent

    Ram: 4 Recommended)

    • Free hard disk space: 10 GB or more recommended


kicad is a versatile and powerful EDA software package that meets the needs of electronic engineers, designers and hubs. Its complete features, including an integrated 3D PCB viewer, project management capacities and publishing tools, allow users to easily create professional quality printed circuits and electrical circuits diagrams. Whether it is to embark on a complex engineering project or to simply explore the world of PCB design, it is a precious tool that can improve your capacities and rationalize your workflow.

KiCad 8.0.8 Free Download

** Kicad 8.0.


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