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Free download of the EGUASOFT manual board for Windows PC. This versatile software allows you to display and manage results and meters, making it ideal for smaller environments, regardless of whether you run a local handball match or a school sports event.
Review of the EGUASOFT Scortball Scorta h2>
board when you do it for the first time, you are welcomed with a user -friendly interface that leads you through the necessary functions. The main window serves as a control panel for all scoring actions and you can access general settings without effort from another card. This built -in help ensures easy configuration and software.
Important functions include;
Time and team management h3>
focuses primarily on displaying and tracking results and elements related to time. Although it does not offer in -depth team management functions, you can easily enter the names of the teams. Most buttons and fields are devoted to time management, allowing you to control the clock period, penalties and general timer. The results are updated automatically and the buttons are intended for easy identification, ensuring smooth operation during the game.
For those who want more customization, the settings menu contains technical details management options. You can assign image files for the team logo, choose from various fonts display options and choose the starting display colors. In addition, you can adjust the parameters related to time, such as half the duration and the length of time.
The improved display with external monitors h3>
really shines when it is used with an external monitor or projector. By clicking the « Next » button in the control panel, you can generate a new window that can be easily dragged and displayed on the outer screen. This separate display has a clean and organized system, ensuring that important information about the game is visible to players and viewers. It is updated in real time when you manage it from the control panel, which makes it an invaluable tool to inform everyone.
System requirements h3>
- Operating system : Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 or 11
- processor : 1 GHz or Faster processor
- disk space: disk: disk space: 200 MB of free disk space
- Operating system : Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 or 11
- processor : 1 GHz or Faster processor
Application h3>
The result of the Eguasoft handball selection is with expectations, providing an efficient and user -friendly solution for tracking and displaying results and elements related to time. Although it may not be suitable for large arenas, it is ideal for smaller places and local games. Well organized panels, intuitive controls and support for external monitors ensure that players and viewers remain involved and informed during the game. It is a valuable addition to the tool for every organizer, thanks to which sports scoring and time management is easy in smaller environments.
Eguasoft Handball Board Full Version Download
Eguasoft Handball Board Free DOWNLOAD LINK
Download the Handball Eguasoft board for Windows 10
Manual plaque Eguasoft Download the full version for free 2025