Download Cracked BWMeter 9.0.3

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BWMETER Free Download 9 Complete version independent offline for Windows is a powerful bandwidth meter, monitor, traffic controller and firewall, which measures, shows and controls all traffic to/from your computer or on your network. href =  » Winflector .


Unlike other products, you can analyze data packages (where they come from, where they are from, and what port and protocols use). This allows distinguishing between local traffic and the Internet, for example. BWMETER can also be used for traffic control by establishing a speed limit for all types of connections or restricting applications access to specific Internet sites.

Create statistics for all computers on your network, measuring and showing all LAN and download/load traffic from the Internet. You can even define filters that show your transfer with specific Internet addresses (for example, to see how many data download from your favorite news server).

bwmeter is ideal for domestic users to obtain an overview of the amount of bandwidth they use, as well as small companies, where a computer can control traffic and maintain the statistics of the data downloaded / loaded with computers in the network network. The Product is Easy To Configure and Offers A Rich Set of Options and Features For Beginners, Experts, and Network Administrators. Measuring Bandwidth

  • User Deflable Graphs To View Bandwidth
  • All Network Monitor Interface/Adapters
  • Monitor and show all the traffic on the network
  • Filter by network address, port, application, etc.
  • Firewall mode (interactive and silent) premises and Internet traffic
  • It shows malicious Internet traffic (hackers, viruses, etc.)
  • Statistics can be exported/import.
  • Ping Support to monitor web servers, Internet connections, etc.
  • Port and confacting port with electuras with electuras with electuras with electuras with electuras with electuras with electuras with electuras with electura with electura. Options
  • Supports LAN, Wan, VPN, ADSL, XDSL, Modem, Dial-up, etc. Windows 8.1, Windows 7
  • RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB Recommended)
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 200 Mb or more

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