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Free download of the AVS VOLL VOLL VOLL VOLL EDITOR OFFLINE version for Windows. It is an application for professional video processing and processing. Thanks to this program, you can create video sequences, apply various effects, create and burn DVDs, export movies to various formats and convert video to iPod, PSP, mobile phones and other portable devices. The editor’s database contains hundreds of transitions and dozens of special effects. In addition, you can add movies (dozens of effects) inscriptions and overdose the soundtrack using programs (dozens of effects). The AVS video editor has a rich database with predefined configuration, which undoubtedly facilitates the selection of the appropriate settings for the final format. Editing and saving video files in AVI, VOB, MP4, DVD, WMV, 3GP, MOV and MKV using popular H.264, MPEG-4, H.263, etc. Video processing with various frames: HD, Full HD, 2K Quad HD, 4K Ultra HD and DCI 4K. ID = « AVS-VIDEO-EDITOR-9 »> AVS-Video-EDITORA functions
- Trin, Cut, Split, Scrut, Roting and Mix-Videos
- Edit AVI HD, WMV HD, death, Avchd, mod, MTS/m2TS etc., or. VHS Cameras
- Multimedia files from the computer screen
- Follow unforgettable events and replace with amazing slides
- Open and edit your Blu-ray movies
- Add sound, video and images to your films
- Speed operating system: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
- RAM (memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
System requirements and technical details h3>
Free Hartscheis: 400 MB or more
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