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Free Download ScopeFIR full version standalone offline installer for Windows. This powerful tool allows you to design multi-band Complex FIR filters.
Overview of ScopeFIR
This software can design lowpass, highpass, bandpass, or bandstop filters with user-specified band edge frequencies and use any built-in data windows, including Dolph-Chebyshev, Blackman-Harris Kaiser-Bessel (with choice of Alpha), Hamming, Hanning, and Gaussian.
It lets you import filters that have been designed with another application so you can analyze them using its robust plotting and analysis capabilities and modify them using its powerful filter modification capabilities.
It also provides various tools that automate the design process, including a powerful optimization feature that finds the minimum number of taps that meet your design specification while automatically constraining the number of taps using criteria you set.
Features of ScopeFIR
- Examining the actual band ripple and attenuation values in the Band Editor
- Plotting the Frequency Response
- Plot the Magnitude, Phase, Unwrapped Phase, Group Delay, and Phase Delay
- Viewing the coefficients in the Coefficient Editor
- Change the gain of the filter
- Coefficients can be quantized to N bits
- Mixes the coefficients with a sine of a given frequency
- Converting to Minimum Phase
- Editing. built-in Coefficient Editor
- Convolving. Two or more filters can be convolved
- Zero-Stuffing, Zero-Padding, and Truncating
- Selecting a Polyphase Sub-filter
Technical Details and System Requirements
- Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
- RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
- Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more
Download ScopeFIR 602 for Windows 64-bit
ScopeFIR 602 Download Free for Windows Users
ScopeFIR 602 Download Free and Safe
ScopeFIR 602 Free Download for All Windows
ScopeFIR 602 Download Full Free Version