Chanty Download Full Version Free

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Free singing for Windows PC. It is a robust platform for communication and cooperation on a team aimed at simplifying workflow and improving productivity. With features such as messages, video calls, tasks, and so on, it is safe and easy to use solutions for teams of any size.

Overview of Chanty

offers many features aimed at maximizing teamwork and productivity. This is not just the usual message exchange application. This is a comprehensive platform that integrates messages, video calls and tasks management in one place

The most important features

    • Audio and video calls facilitate helpless communication through high -quality audio and video calls. Supporting up to 1000 participants and 49 videos on the screen provides crystal communication, allowing teams to operate efficiently regardless of place.
    • Task management service allows teams to create, order and follow the tasks. Regardless of whether it creates tasks from scratch or converts messages into effective elements, task management tools provide smooth cooperation and improved productivity.
    • Kanban View Canban offers a display for tasks, allowing teams to appear in their work and are prioritized accordingly. This intuitive interface resembles popular project management tools, allowing teams to handle tasks more effectively and remain organized.
    • Integrated integration integration is integrated into popular software applications, allowing teams to simplify work flow and improve efficiency. Integration with project management tools, file sharing platforms or CRM software provides impeccable collaboration on different platforms.
    • Security gives priority for data security and compliance, ensuring that sensitive information is always protected. Privacy measures provide a safe platform for team communication at the extent of the company, including encrypted transactions and compliance with GDPR.

System Requirements:

    • Operating System: Windows 11/10
    • </H.
    • ram: 2GB (4 GB or more)
    • Free hard drive: 1GB or more


Pantanes changes the communication platform. From audio and video calls to management tasks and integrated integrations, the team provides everything to succeed. Its user interface and robust security measures allow teams to simplify their work and achieve more.

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