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Download Newbi partition editor professional Winpe for Windows PC. It is a powerful partition control tool to help users quickly optimize and control their disk partitions.
Review of Newbi partitions « Professional Winpe
« . It offers a wide range of features to make the disk partitions smooth. This allows you to easily change, move, shrink and combine partitions. It is perfect for consumers who need to adjust their partitions without risking to lose data. In addition, the tool offers improved security mechanisms to ensure data security in any task.
easily replacing the partitions. This is especially useful when your systems C: The disk becomes full. Instead of starting from scratch, the software allows you to shrink or expand volumes by redistributing the free space from other partitions. Its advanced algorithms provide a quick, safe and reliable change, making this process simple and fast.
safely moving partitions
If you need to move a partition, this software facilitates the process. You can move the partitions that have an unobtrusive space by dragging and dropping it to the disk map. This ensures that the data remains intact and safe, even with significant changes, simplifying the process and removing any risks associated with the movement movement.
Fusion Partitions
Connecting in adjacent partitions is another useful feature. With just a few clicks, you can combine two partitions into one major partition, without any risk of data loss. This is especially useful when you are facing a limited storage or you want to simplify your disk arrangement. The software convenient interface makes the process intuitive and fast.
Copy and convert the partitions
It is also perfect for converting and copying partitions. Whether you need to convert the partition format or copy the entire disk, this tool does work efficiently. This supports MBR conversion to GPT, NTFS to FAT32 and primary logical partitions. The software ensures that these changes are made without losing data by storing your files during conversion.
Data security features
Data security is the main concern for the control of the disk, and this tool is perfect for this area. It offers functions such as safe data deletion when deleted files are not available. This ensures that the sensitive data is permanently deleted and cannot be restored. The tool also provides options to hide the partitions and set them just to read it to avoid illegal access or modification.
Detailed control of disk partitions
In addition to basic partitions, software offers a full range of disk management capabilities. You can create, delete, format and even hide volumes. It is also attached by changing the disk letters or setting the partition to run the operating system as active. For more advanced users, the tool provides options for cleaning discs, reviewing features and even initiating new discs.
System optimization tools
Software is also provided with system optimization features. This allows users to perform surface tests to check bad sectors, run file system checks to maintain integrity and defragment partitions to improve overall performance. These tools help to ensure that your system operates smoothly and efficiently over time.
Why choose?
What distinguishes this software is a unique « 1 second cancel » feature that automatically returns your system to the original state if there is a problem by changing degradation. It also has a « cancellation will » function, which allows to cancel ongoing operations without losing data. In addition, it creates a boot media that allows the partitions to be operated, even if your system fails.